Work and Purpose
Aren’t Enemies

University of Notre Dame

“Americans are working more, and enjoying work less.”

—Matt Bloom, PhD, Principle Investigator of the Wellbeing at Work Program, University of Notre Dame

The Opportunity

For those who identify with finding their calling at work, work doesn’t feel like work. Instead, it represents a beautiful intersection of passion and purpose.

Unfortunately, that same passion and purpose can quickly blur any boundaries when it comes to work/life balance. It’s easy to say yes. To everything. And the demands of work are more readily accepted. But research shows this calling can quickly lead to burnout. And in some industries, specifically healthcare and technology, depression, divorce, and suicide rates are trending up. 

Dr. Matt Bloom, associate professor at the University of Notre Dame, was asking, “What if religion was a path to work/life balance?”

The Approach

We live in the most connected society in history. But are we flourishing? What if we could help each other take small steps to turn those trends around? This intentional suite of communication tools were created to provide both information and structure for busy professionals, translating research into small, actionable steps, providing language, structure, and activities to bring this important dynamic into daily practice.


Brand Strategy | Campaign Development | Copywriting | Video | Logo Design | Photography and Visualization | Social Media Graphics | Infographic | Public Relations | Website

Project completed as Chief Strategy Officer at Grey Matter Group