Global Flourishing Study

Harvard, Baylor, Gallup, Center for Open Science

“We believe understanding human flourishing can fundamentally change the way we live and how we interact.”

—Byron Johnson, Director, Institute for Studies of Religion, Baylor University

The Opportunity

The launch of the Global Flourishing Study culminates four years of collaboration among more than 40 leading experts from four esteemed organizations: Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program, the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion, the Center for Open Science, and Gallup, the worldwide authority in public polling.

Spanning the disciplines of sociology, psychology, epidemiology, economics, history, philosophy, and theology, the team’s combined expertise has yielded one of the most comprehensive studies of human existence ever undertaken – 240,000 participants that will provide nationally representative samples of  22 geographically and culturally diverse populations from across the globe.

Not just gathering data from these participants once, the Global Flourishing Study is following the same people as they go about their lives over the course of five years. The result will be longitudinal data that can open new opportunities to analyze and understand the causes–not just correlations–of flourishing more deeply than ever before.

The Approach

Humans are complex beings. And flourishing is a tapestry woven by a harmony of diverse threads. Topics like happiness, optimism, pain, suffering, loneliness, trust, hope, love, and forgiveness are equally valuable and deeply ingrained in the human experience. With no shortage of data on the horizon, the goal was to create a brand that offers our audiences meaning, truth, and clarity, giving them permission to not only learn, but also feel something deep about themselves.

The full launch of the Global Flourishing Study will take place in 2024.


Brand Strategy | Campaign Development | Copywriting | Video | Logo Design | Photography and Visualization | Social Media Graphics | Infographic | Public Relations | Website

Project completed as Chief Strategy Officer at Grey Matter Group